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'HEADCASE' by NANAMI COWDROY @ DISORDER GALLERY.  HEADCASE is a collection inspired by the craziness in the world over the last 2-years and a desire to escape into the playfulness, curiosity and love of nature we feel as children. Stuck inside and unable to travel, and being bombarded with daily images of illness, waste, displacement and suffering has turned many of us into ‘headcases’. Working as an artist on your own, in a private space can sometimes only add to this sense of anguish and isolation. I’ve really needed to break away from an overwhelming sense of adult complexity and return to the simple essence and innocence of a child’s mind. In particular the innate, inquisitive and playful love we have...

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EU 'From Habitat to Community' - Stop Wildlife Trafficking

I am very excited and proud to share most recent project collaboration, a short animated film "From Habitat to Community”. A film aimed at Stopping Wildlife Trafficking around the world.  Below are some work-in-progress Artwork images, as well as some image stills from the final Approved motion animation.     

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